Speakout 11/17

Monday, November 17, 2003

I am concerned about our Sikeston car buyers. You must be made aware of the used car you purchased. I went to a Sikeston used car dealer and was almost ripped off. I called Jefferson City and was told that I have 60 days to return a no-good vehicle. So, please, be aware of this. Call the Complainant's Department in Jefferson City if you have had a problem like this.

I am looking for someone to build a wooden wheelchair ramp. Please leave a number in SpeakOut.

The Sikeston Senior Center used to be a good place to eat, especially for people who are alone. People there who go there to eat are very few. The food either has too much seasoning or not enough. It's best not to put too much seasoning in food because some people can't have it. You don't have a choice of vegetables, sometimes you don't have a choice of meat either. If you can't eat it, you just do without. The food doesn't always go together, sometimes there's nothing you can eat if you have a special diabetes like diabetes. I even saw one woman bring food in for her family because they can't eat it. It's a shame that our senior citizens have to be treated this way. You can't please everyone, but you should at least offer choices to those who come to eat. The senior citizen center is going down so fast, I don't know how it's staying open and it's a shame to treat our seniors with this disrespect.

Call Yuvonne Craig at 471-6047 and voice your concern.

In response to the Section 8 debate, I am also a white female with a disability and am trying to get on Section 8. I do draw Social Security - Social Security, not SSI (Supplemental Security Income). I have worked and paid my taxes but I cannot live on $556 a month and pay $300 or $400 a month for rent. I am thankful for Section 8.

To whomever is taking the paper off the County Line Road carport, I wish you would quit coming and taking my paper. If you need one, I'll buy you one. Just come by the house, I will buy you a Sunday paper. Four or five have been stolen. You better watch over your shoulder because God's going to catch you and in the long run, you'll pay for that paper.