Letter to the Editor

Your view: Keep Bush

Friday, January 23, 2004

Dear Editor:

As an informed voter, I have taken the time to check the views of the candidates running for the Democratic presidential nomination. None of them hold to the traditional moral values of our president. None of them except Lieberman support the war in Iraq. All of them are for raising taxes in one or another.

Bush has signed the bill banning partial birth abortion. He has repeatedly said he is pro-life.

Bush is against homosexual marriages. The Democratic candidates are either silent on the issue or believe in homosexual rights.

Our economy is gaining ground under President Bush. My taxes on hard earned money has been lowered thanks to Bush.

Thanks to Bush, our war in Iraq and against terrorism is a success. Saddam Hussein has been captured. The world is a safer place with Bush in office.

I plan on voting for the reelection of Bush!

Sincerely, Richard D. Swift
