Speakout 8/11

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

,b.Employers, help employees

Bush has been president for four years and the minimum wage is still the same. Think about if he gets back in what it's going to be like for the next four years. It's time that these rich business owners start paying people more. We can't live on a minimum wage salary.

I live on Social Security disability and my wife can't get any coverage. Some people get Social Security disability, food stamps and drive new cars and live high on the hog. I can't do that.

Please put a number in SpeakOut for who to call to get a NAACP card.

The number we had for the NAACP in Sikeston has been disconnected, however you can call the national office toll-free at (877) 622-2798 or visit the NAACP official website at www.naacp.org

In response to the comment someone made on the so-called "piss-ant town of New Madrid," would you like a piece of cheese with that whine?

Truth not always spoken

Let's get down to the old bleach blonde. I cannot believe this. I cannot call you beauty operators. If you were beauty operators, you would have common decency and common sense to warn them of what they would look like before they walk out of your beauty shop. I was in a beauty shop today and saw them bleach a woman's hair. I swear, she looked like a ghost. Her hair was so fried that it was pathetic and these people were telling her how good she looked. Ladies, this is for beauty operators. You either bleach or you perm, but you don't do both. Being in the public is pathetic. God gave some people blonde hair. Some are born with blonde hair and years later their hair changes its color. They could go back to being blonde. But some of you pale, over sun tanned, pathetic blondes need to quit. You look absolutely pitiful and there are so many of them. Look in the mirror before you walk out of a beauty shop or house. These people don't mind making $65 to $125 by telling you that you look good.

I would like to compliment Derek James and the Standard Democrat Sports Department for the sports section you had Aug. 2. It was real good and I enjoyed every bit of it. Thanks again for a good sports section.

Has the mold problem in the walls and ceiling at the Sikeston Middle School been taken care of?

We contacted Sikeston Superintendent of Schools Steve Borgsmiller with your questions. "Sikeston R-6 buildings, from time-to-time are tested by an environmental engineering firm for evidence of black mold. No black mold has been identified in any of these tests. In response a complaint about the roof at the Middle School, Borgsmiller said: "In June 1991, following the opening of the Middle School in the 1984-1985 school year, the roof was replaced due to the failure of the manufactured plywood base to delamination. The current roof replacement is the second since the building was constructed, being replaced due to the wear-life of the shingles."

New Madrid can rightfully be proud of its history and, in certain ways, its postal service can be related to the pony express days of a couple hundred years ago. At the New Madrid Post Office, you can drop a letter in the outgoing mail slot, six feet from its ultimate destination. However in the cause of greater efficiency in the postal system, the letter must be shipped to Cape Girardeau, postmarked and handled there, shipped back to New Madrid to again be handled and, hopefully, be placed in the post office box a day or two later if there are no unforeseen delays or holidays. The postal customer would have received better service a century ago. Even in this age of high technology, it seems there should be room for a little common sense and concern for the user of the postal services.