SpeakOut 8/28

Wednesday, August 28, 2002

Call 471-6636

I went to the Ferguson Medical Group to get some blood drawn. As I was getting ready to leave, I felt very faint. Three or four of the nurses were right there, ready to help. I hadn't eaten anything and took my medicine that morning. They took my blood pressure and it was high so they gave me a blood pressure pill. One of the nurses gave me some orange juice and put me in a room. My blood pressure was 210 over 100, then they took my blood pressure real often. Later they got a doctor and he took my blood pressure again three or four times and gave me a prescription for medicine. No one is going to say anything to me against the Ferguson Medical Group.

Can anyone tell me how to wash white canvas tennis shoes and dry them without having the yellow circle ring appear on the canvas? Please leave the instructions in the paper.

I have a suggestion for the Middle School. They need a ramp or closure over the top of the children in the parking lot for when it rains. They're not allowed to stay in the school. They have to go out and stand in the rain until their parents get there. Surely they could put some kind of awning or something up there.

On Aug. 17, I lost my 24 karat 18-inch rope chain, probably at a yard sale, Tradewinds or Wal-Mart. If anybody has found it, please call me at 471-4643.

I am wondering if there is someone in the area who can tell me how to restore my fingernails. They're really brickly and peel a lot. I need some advice to learn how to get them healthy again. I've asked different places and it seems like no one seems to know.

President Reagan deregulated the banks, the savings and loan situation developed. It cost this country over $900 billion. Theft from banks from lawyers all over this country. Just give them a blank check.

The Republicans finally admit we're in a recession. An economist the other day said it would last 18 to 20 years. Way to go, "Bushy" and it will take 15-20 years to pay off the debt he's incurred. Can we afford this President? Who wants to follow this President into war with the whole Mideast - with a nuclear war at that?

I would like to respond to "Does anybody know?" in the Aug. 22 paper. Wayne Petitt lives in Scott City and his phone number is 264-3280.