SpeakOut 8/7

Wednesday, August 7, 2002

Call 471-6636

Have you heard the one about the man who was killing flies in the kitchen, and his wife came in? She said, "I see you're killing flies. Have you killed any?" He said, "Yes, I've killed three males and two females." She was kind of intrigued and said, "How do you know that they're males and females?" He said, "Well, I killed three on the beer can and two on the telephone."

I read in the July 24 SpeakOut about the person being checked out in a local store and the cashier was wearing a scarf on her head. Big deal. Did you ever stop to think there is probably a logical reason for this cashier to wear a scarf? She may be taking chemotherapy, causing her hair to fall out. At least she is working. Was the cashier rude or impolite? If that is all you have to worry about, you really are pathetic. Mind your own business. We cashiers are human too, and would like to be treated humanely. We are supposed to nice and courteous to our customers. We know you pay our salaries, but it wouldn't hurt you to be half way polite to us, too. I've been a cashier for many years and have seen both sides of this issue. The customer is not always right.

How is it that all these white people go to court, file bankruptcy and then the next week are building new houses and buying new vehicles? I'm not trying to say this is racist, but it's always harder for a black person to get ahead. If a white person can file bankruptcy to get ahead, why can't a black person do the same thing? My black friend filed bankruptcy and was in the process of buying a car. No bank would lend her money. No one would stand behind her and they were saying she needed a cosigner. I have white friends who have filed bankruptcy and the next day they were out buying a new house or a new car. I'm confused. Give me an answer. Help me to see that this is not a racist thing, that it's just a streak of bad luck.

How can so few know so much in such a little time? How can Bush and his administration, Cheney and all of them, do so much damage to the United States people, retirement plans, robbing the government, not backing anything that's reasonable and letting all these big companies get by with what they're doing? How can they keep on doing it? How could they do so little in the time they've been in there. If they keep on doing what they're doing, we won't have a United States in a couple of years. Something needs to change, and Mike Jensen, print this because you know it's the truth.

Is there anyone in Sikeston who puts freon in air conditioners? I think mine needs some; it's not cooling like it should. If anybody does this, please leave your number and I will call you.

Check out the phone book for heating and air conditioning businesses. Technicians must be licensed to do this kind of work.

I'm calling about the article that was in the July 10 paper about Tim Foust and the little boy, David. When I read the article, I cried and cried. but I know what a lucky, fortunate child he was to have such a wonderful man for his coach, and for having such a wonderful mother who takes such care. God bless that little boy and his mother and his coach.

I was surprised at the sentence that Mr. Traficant got, not that I don't think he should have. It doesn't ordinarily work that way. Of course, I think he brought a lot of it on himself and I'm sure that a lot of his jail time will be spent differently than the average person who goes to jail. I've always been told that if you have a felony conviction that you're not allowed to vote. So how can he run for office if he was convicted of a felony?