SpeakOut 6/3

Tuesday, June 3, 2003

Call 471-6636

I saw the Rev. Billy Graham on television tonight and he made a statement which is 100 percent true. We have taken God out of our schools, we have taken prayer out of the schools and we have let Satan and his demons come into our schools to take over the young people. This is a true, true statement. We have nine judges on the Supreme Court. These judges should be elected instead of appointed. These judges are the ones who took prayer out of school, they made abortion legal and now they're talking about taking "God" out of the Pledge of Allegiance. The Rev. Bill Graham's statement is true. Get rid of these people in the Supreme Court and get new judges for the Court. They have too much power and authority. We have a great country but without God, this country cannot stand. United we stand, divided we fall. This country is not united anymore. We are divided.

I'm not too proud to make this statement. I saw on TV where we're going to be forced to wear seat belts. I have always worn mine, but this is nothing but communism. When they tell you to do something you don't want to do, it is taking away our rights. We can't blame the police department or anyone who is enforcing this law because they have a job to do. They get orders from higher up. We should have the privilege of wearing seat belts, but if we don't want to wear them, we shouldn't be forced to.

Steve Fish, I see where you finally got the case where the woman from Bernie was murdered upgraded to homicide. You haven't mentioned in the Sikeston paper or in KFVS about this woman. Where were her relatives who live around here? It seems like you should pull out all the stops on this case. If you have to send some undercover cops or detectives to the Bernie area to dig up stuff on this woman and her whereabouts and the men she dated and all that stuff, do so. Treat it like it was a big homicide in St. Louis or somewhere. I know you'll solve it.

You can call the Stoddard County Sheriff's Department at (573) 568-1654.

I'm calling about Little League. I know they're posted in the paper but they're not always correct. My son gets upset when someone else gets recognition for something he has done. I'm sure the other children get upset as well. I don't know who turns the information in, but it would be nice if it was accurate.

Check with your child's coach. The coaches have people at the games who provide the stats for the Standard Democrat. We publish the information they provide.

When I read Annie's Mailbox in your newspaper, every day here lately, on the right hand column it is printed so terribly that we have to try to figure out what the words are. Is it like that or is your printer doing this? It is really hard to read.

We will check it out and get the problem fixed. Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

There used to be an anti-littering campaign sponsored by states and schools all over America. What happened to it? People who throw trash out the car window are lazy and disrespectful. They ought to be ashamed.