Speakout 1/17

Monday, January 17, 2005

I am calling about flu vaccine. I am thankful that I won't have to be the one to answer to the Lord for lying and sneaking this one and that one in at the back door to get flu shots, when a lot of us who needed one were turned away and not able to get one. Dr. Emily Senay (on CBS) was talking about so much vaccine now will have to go bad because they had so much of it. If they have too much now, they have had it all along. It's ridiculous!

I was driving down Glenn Drive and saw a man blowing the leaves out of his yard and out into the middle of the street. The leaves were being blown everywhere by the wind, going into the neighbors' yards and down the street. I'm sure glad he's not my neighbor.

A couple of weeks ago I tried to help carry this out and now I am being attacked for trying to be helpful. First of all, the Democrats covet my grocery money, my house payment, my health insurance premium and some of them even covet my wife. They want to tax me, they take all my money to Washington, D.C., and give it to people who sit on their backside and whine and refuse to work. Democrats buy the votes of lazy people with my hard-earned money. That is covetousness and to covet is not Christian.

Mike, it's time for some research. On Jan. 6, the Army Corps of Engineers was predicting a flood crest at Cape Girardeau of 42.5 feet. The actual crest a few days later was 35.9 feet. They were off by more than 6 feet in their predictions. I want you to do some investigations and find out when the Corps of Engineers was ever off by 6 feet in the prediction of a flood crest. This has got to be a record.

I am frustrated with our local cable company's change in its programming lineup. They are raising their rates and adding more shopping channels. I called the cable company and they took my complaint. I think the only way we will see a change is for other customers to call in and voice their concerns as well.