Speakout 6/13

Sunday, June 13, 2004

The person who needs the yard work done should put their number in Speakout because other people would like to call. Also I would like to know what kind of grades these presidents and candidates are running made. I know they were in the Ivy League schools and they don't say what kind of grades they made. They make it seem like it so important for someone to have to get good grades to get a scholarship and those people are up there telling us what to do but they probably never had the experiences that some of us other people have had. They are just people who have always had money and they don't know what to do to get it.

This is in regards to the article about the 1221st Transportation Company of Dexter. They are based in Iraq. My husband is with the 1221st and if anybody has any questions they can call the armory at Dexter.

As I sit and listen to a lot of the political speeches today on TV and listen to the different opinions I thumbed through a book that I had found about speeches and I found one that is so true. As President Lincoln once said: "We have been the recipients of the choicest bounties in heaven. We have been preserved for many years in peace and prosperity. We have grown in numbers, wealth and power and no other nation has every grown. But we have forgotten Jesus. It behooves us then to humble ourselves before God's infinite power and to forgive our nation's sins and pray for clemency and forgiveness." Never a truer statement has been made than that one that was made. I wonder if we look through America now if we could say how many of our leaders are truly men of God? I was reading President Bush's inauguration speech. Every prayer that was prayed was in Jesus' name. I read further, he took a lot of heat. People think about what we are doing. We are a nation that has forgotten God. Look at our children, we worry about them. Take 15 minutes to pray for our children. We worry about wars, take 15 minutes to pray for our nation. For too long America has sent in their men where France, Israel, South Africa, Russia, Bosnia and even Great Britain has experienced terrorism. Well, on our shores we have been attacked at the heart of what our nation represents - economic, personal and above all, religious freedom - but we don't seem to see it that way. We stand back. Always we don't see the clear picture. As Americans we have been so blessed that we don't understand that we are coming to a point in time. Once, D-Day, 60 years ago, we were all too ready to go defend France against the terror, Poland and Denmark. We were ready to fight that war. We lost 5,000 young men in one day. Our coalition forces on the beaches of Normandy. We prayed like Eisenhower. Of course, George Bush is doing the same thing and we rip him apart. We as Americans have forgotten what we stand for. Believe you me, isn't that a little bit of what we are. We were founded 200 years ago because no one would let us serve God as we wanted to so we came here. Instead of bashing each other should we not be praying for each other.

I would like the parents of three small boys who were attempting to cross Main on Friday afternoon, June 4, going to the swimming pool, I would like their mothers to know how lucky they are that their children were not run over. The boys attempted to cross the traffic, they were barefooted, no shoes or shirts on. They were dancing in the street because the street was so hot. They got caught in the middle of the turn lane in the middle of the traffic and were dodging the cars like rabbits trying to cross the road. I want those boys' mothers to know how lucky they are that their children were not run over and to let them know that if I ever catch their kids in the middle of the street again I will take them to the police station or I will have the police take them to their homes. The mothers need to know that they are not crossing the street properly and they are very lucky to still be alive. Shame on you mothers.