Speakout 5/23

Monday, May 23, 2005

I would like to Speakout again about that Rescue Mission. I read where everyone is complaining about it and I don't blame them. I'm thinking about starting my own Rescue Mission because I have taken things out of my house and given them to poor people. When people's houses have burned I have gone through my blankets and things and gave to them. I didn't charge them $35 for a chair or a table because that is not helping people. That isn't rescue, rescuing people is to give to the poor and needy not for somebody to charge them $30 a table or this, that and the other. I took a couch down there one time. I had used it myself but I got another one. I dropped it off and man stood there at the door and told me they didn't want the couch because it wasn't good enough. There was nothing wrong with the couch except it wasn't up to date a little bit, but it was clean. They didn't want the couch. I don't know if it is a money racket down there or not. I think I will start my own Rescue Mission because I love giving things to the poor and needy. If I don't do it some of you other people might think about starting your own Rescue Mission and some of you churches to help these poor people that need help.

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This in reference to the Rescue Mission Speakout. I have a lot of clothes that I was going to take to the Rescue Mission but after reading all these Speakouts, I decided not to. I will just have a yard sale and people will probably get a better deal, plus I will get a few bucks in my pocket. But it is really sad that people get better deals at the yard sales than the Rescue Mission. They did need to change their name because they are no longer "Rescue" they get you for what they can.

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I agree with the prices at the Rescue Mission. Their pants are almost the same price as they are at Wal-Mart. I will not give anything to them either.

I would rather give it to the domestic shelter for the women who leave with nothing. The Rescue Mission gets the stuff for nothing and then sells it for a fortune. So why not give it to someone for nothing who gives it away for nothing. That is what I call helping out.

I calling about the Friday the 13th Speakout on the Red Pepper constitution regarding cheerleading tryouts. I know for a fact that Article 8 of the Red Pepper constitution is still in effect. You may think, or want to think, that is was "done away with" in 2000 but this is not true. Get the facts straight. You apparently haven't because in this particular Speakout that was in the May 5 issue. It looks like you need to get your information straight on a lot of things including Sikeston Red Peppers.

I was calling about us not being able to have a medical card to use for the dentist after July 1. I think this is really ridiculous that one man is going to be able to stop us from being able to have a medical card when we are disabled and not able to do and have the medical we need. I think it is ridiculous and I think that more people need to Speakout about this.