Letter to the Editor

Your View

Thursday, December 6, 2001

Help for the handicapped

In the Nov. 28 issue of the Democrat Advertiser, I read about the program to improve New Madrid's riverfront. The levee project is great for tourists, but what about people who live in and around New Madrid?

I'm talking about wheelchair ramps into the stores. Sure, the sidewalks have ramps up onto them, but not into most of the stores. For example, the Bank of New Madrid, Dollar General Store and most insurance companies.

When I go shopping or on business, I have to carry along a 3x3-foot board a neighbor made for me. Then someone has to place it just right in each doorway for me to get in. It is so inconvenient for a person in a wheelchair just to buy something in their town, which is also the county seat.

I know there are many more in wheelchairs who would agree with me.

You can't do anything about the situation, I know, but I thought it might help to bring it to someone's attention.


Tammy Dobbs