Speakout 7/27

Sunday, July 27, 2003

One of our state representatives forwarded this to me suggesting that media in Southeast Missouri might want to share it with their audiences. Seems like a good idea to me. "Disabled American Veterans magazine (July/August 2003, page 29) will be asking churches, mosques and synagogues to ring their bells 22 times at 10 a.m. July 27 in memory of those service members from the 22 United Nations countries who served during the Korean War, commemorating the Korean War Armistice."

Thank you, Michael Jensen, for having the nerve to not only speak the truth, but print it. We have given and given until we are sick to our stomachs. It is time to protest this bunch of lazy, good-for-nothing, freeloading, drug dealing, alcoholic, crackhead, filthy (ain't had a bath in a year) low-lifes. Count me in, Mike. I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired. They can either get a job or get the hell out of Sikeston.

This is in response to the closed minded person who thinks gay people should hide out and keep their life a big secret. Wake up! This is the 21st century and you should be free to love anyone you choose. So get over it and move on.

This is in response to the July 17 paper in SpeakOut when someone wrote in about the war. The caller asked why don't they send our boys home and that Bush lied about the war. I have something to say about that. The reason they're saying that Bush didn't tell the truth is because we have a liberal media who doesn't tell the truth in the first place. You will only get the truth from conservative talk shows and conservative media. Otherwise, you're being lied to about Busy, who is doing a fine job. Mr. Bush, keep on doing what you're doing.

The gardener has hit the glass roses in the vase. I don't know why he did it. He should be made to pay for the glass rose. Memorial Park Cemetery, it only costs a dollar at Sav-A-Lot.

I would like to thank Mike at Super D Drugs for getting my medication for me. I didn't know what to do and I called him and he got my medication. I thank him and everybody who works there. They are all so nice. Thank you for being such nice people.

I have a comment about the roads in Charleston. I don't mind driving on gravel roads, but I don't like busting my tires on the potholes. Why can't they just fix those things and cover all the roads. What do they do, just choose a few for people who have money? Who decides what roads get fixed. Can you answer this?

The bankruptcies in the paper, I'm curious as to how you can print those. I realize it's public record, but with the heppa laws that are in effect now, I'm just wondering how can you do this? Why would you do it anyway? Why would you want to hurt someone like that? I think it would be a great embarrassment for everyone to know they filed bankruptcy. I just wondered how you can do that.