Speakout 10/23

Sunday, October 23, 2005

I am calling about if anyone has one of them wheelchairs that runs on a motor, if you want to sell it, reasonable and not too high, leave your name and number in the paper. I am in need of one.

To our neighbors. We have filed dozens of sheriff's complaints. We have asked you nicely. We have posted no trespassing signs everywhere. And yet, you have let your goat, chickens, geese, ducks and hogs run rampant all over our yard, the neighbor's yards, causing major damage. The smell of all these animals is horrendous. Your animals have ruined our fencing, ate all my rose bushes and totally destroyed our irrigation system. And now, you have left us no choice but to take matters in to our own hands. I am sorry your animals will suffer because of your ignorance and stupidity. If your animals continue to trespass, then we will put them down exactly where they trespass. Please take care of your animals or we will be forced to take action.

I would like comment on the speakout entitled War is like abortion. Whoever this is, whether it be male or female, has a very, very short memory. We are Americans. Many, many, many men have died and many more have been wounded so she can go to church every Sunday morning, and she can sit and complain, and she can go to Wal Mart and buy her groceries. The reason you can do these things is soldiers that have fought and died in wars. As far back as you can remember, we have become a free nation. And for us to become free and stay free, we must fight. We have to send our young people in to war, I have been in a war, my father has been in a war. But, if you cannot differentiate abortion and dying for freedom that this country fought for so you can walk down the street, and you can drive your car, and you can drive to church and you can look real pretty when you get there. You need to look up to the sky and you need to thank the good Lord that you live in the country that you live in.

To the person who called and was complaining about not getting Columbus Day off, I just wanted him to know that he didn't discover America for me and you. He invaded it. This country was founded on terrorism, the same kind Dubya talks about today. He didn't discover a country where 40 million natives were living. I bet Dubya took a day off to celebrate the terrorism, though. Don't you think?

A mind is a terrible thing to waste!

Me and my little dog, too

I hope you can print this. I am a 60 year old lady and I have a 42 year old daughter. I have an 11 year old grandson that I am raising. I need to rent out a 2 1/2 to 3 bedroom house. And because I have a pet, this is hard for me to rent. I would like to move over in the Sikeston area. If somebody has a place that they would rent where I can have my animal with me, I just can't throw her out in the street, she's too old. She's the best companion I've ever had. I've got good references about the dog and myself. Would you please leave your number in the paper for me or call me at 667-5036? I am really desperate to get a place to rent, preferably after the first of the year. It must be in a safe area. Also, the little dog I have is a small dog and house broken.