Speakout 4/14

Friday, April 14, 2006

This is in regards to the person who called in the SpeakOut that was entitled "Love thy neighbor." I'm no Bible scholar or preacher, but at least I'm not as completely clueless as you. The Bible doesn't mention abortion because the procedure in today's form wasn't around then. The Bible doesn't mention methamphetamine or child pornography, either. The Bible does, however, mention how evil and wicked the people were who threw their infants into fires and otherwise sacrificed their children to demonic "gods." Now mothers just sacrifice babies for the sake of convenience. The Bible states that our Creator knew us before we were born. Surely you don't believe God endorses ending a life simply to prevent that life from being a burden or inconvenience for the mother. But never mind all that. The most ridiculous part of your comment is where you state the Messiah's goal "was to bring down the evil and corrupt lying Roman Empire." Are you insane or just completely ignorant? That's what the Jews who crucified him thought the Messiah was coming for - and they were wrong. And because of this mistake, they didn't know him when he did arrive. His concern was not for political situations on earth, but for the redemption of our souls. He was concerned with the Kingdom of Heaven, not earthly kingdoms and empires. When I was conceived, people told my mother to get an abortion. While you might think it was a mistake to not kill me before I drew my first breath, I'm kind of thankful she decided to endure the "inconvenience" bearing and birthing me caused her. I'm not surprised preachers neglected to respond to your comments - there's a verse about throwing pearls before s

To the Regional Dialysis employees. Please consider the surrounding neighborhood when coming to work in the morning. I live on Dudley and I am almost mowed down every morning by speeding cars coming to work. A person would have to possess a sixth sense to predict your cars careening around the corners at breakneck speeds. Some small children live around here. Please watch your speed and observe your surroundings more carefully. We would appreciate it.

This is a suggestion. You put the SHS baseball games schedule the day Sikeston has a game and for those of us that work, we get home at 5 or 6 o'clock and read the newspaper and we read that Sikeston had a game at 4 o'clock today. It would be nice if you would print the day before that they have a game the next day or if you could put the week's game in the paper on Sunday. That would be very helpful and it might increase attendance. For the people who work and read the paper when they get home, it is too late to attend the game.

Hey, I'm speaking out about the coach that the man walked in and shot. You know, we're filling up our jails and our prisons with people like that and we're keeping them and we're feeding them. I think we should go back to using the rope like we did when this country was first formed. I've read a lot of history and a man go and break in on a man's wife and rape her, beat her up, when they caught up with him, that's where they hung him. That's what they need to do today. They never hanged anybody that didn't need hanging that I ever read about in history. I really believe they need to bring back the hanging rope and do away with letting them lay up in prisons for months and months.

I'd like to speak out. Seems like here we go again. Everytime you look in the paper for something to rent, every ad in the paper says no pets, no pets, no pets. Well, I've got a dog that is clean as a person, probably cleaner than some. She's house broken. I don't understand why they can't take references on animals like they do on people. My little dog has no references. Why are there so many animal haters? Animals have feelings just like we have. You ought to be ashamed.

Congratulations to the new mayor of Morley. I look forward to him paving the streets on Glad Street and that little short street on Cora. They've never been touched. It's a shame. Do something about it please. Thank you very much.

As the American people, we deserve better representation than we are getting. We're not getting our bucks worth out of either party. I voted Republican all my life and I've never been so disappointed as I am today. Tom Delay and Bush shoving the work program down our throats. This is very disappointing and I cannot handle Democrat Socialism at all. I don't know what I'm gonna do now.