Letter to the Editor

Your View: Time of pride

Sunday, August 31, 2008

I have read many editorials concerning Sen. Obama's run for President of the United States and I have heard many Blacks criticize your paper as not being fair. But when asked, none of them have submitted their voice. I am submitting mine to prove them wrong

I'm an African American, never been arrested, always have cared for my family. Served my country as a Marine in Vietnam and I am a police officer protecting all our citizens for over 20 years. Here is my comment:

Finally after 53 years, I'm proud to be an American.

I served my country for six years as a Marine NCO and fought for your freedom in Vietnam. I protected you from crime for 20 years as a police officer, at times putting you before my family. This Aug. 27, 2008, I witnessed the first Afro-American who was nominated for President of the United States of America. I have listened to all the negative comments and a lot of horrible comments because he's an Afro-American.

My father served this country in World War II - as a medic, he saved lives of black and whites in combat. But had to be treated as second class. Enemy German soldiers were treated better. My great uncle served in World War I and was beaten, stripped of his uniform and hung, not in war but here in America, why he was black.

My family and my race lived here, work to make this country great. Give great inventions and other great contributions, who's mind did open heart surgery and blood plasma form in, a black mans, all while being told we were less than human. But we survived.

I heard of Obama's pastor and his negative comments and how could he attend such a church. But I also remember the rapes, killings and hangings that we endured from Christians that committed this acts and attended church every Sunday, and there pastors and members who knew of this did and said nothing.

I see the injustices of Blacks living right here in Sikeston, Charleston and Wyatt that is justified because of the actions of a few blacks. I seen our great Black Leaders shot down in cold blood, for what, asking for equal justice and the right to vote. We endured and we are still here.

I don't agree with everything Obama stands for but I did not agree with everything Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton and G. Bush stood for. We played by your rules even when the rules were unfair. We supported this country even when this country did not support us.

So as Michelle Obamas said and I agree, yes, I'm finally Proud to be Black in America and you should be glad.

Harry James Blacher