'Obama defenders' just keep following

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

You have to give credit to the liberals - which I hesitate to do. The liberals know that if you put a derogatory name or slur on your opposition, you demean their value to some.

And that's why we have "birthers" or "teabaggers" or "climate deniers."

So why not have "Obama defenders" - those followers who continue to defend their leader despite the dismal metrics of virtually any federal initiative pushed by this administration.

When you honestly examine the number of Americans who have abandoned all hope of finding a job, somehow the "Obama defenders" find positive signs in the jobless rate.

When six million Americans thus far have had their health insurance cancelled because of Obamacare, the "Obama defenders" still sing the same broken record of massive success.

When IRS official Lois Lerner soon returns to stand before a Congressional panel to again answer questions on the illegal targeting of conservative groups, the "Obama defenders" continue to label the hearings as a witch hunt.

When Sen. Harry Reid astonishingly says those who are suffering under Obamacare are lying, not a sound is heard from the "Obama defenders" in the national media.

Blind obedience is a remarkably dangerous position, regardless of your political persuasion.

History will judge today's blind "Obama defenders" as either ideological lemmings or idiots. Or perhaps both.

What's genuinely frightening is that as President Obama's approval ratings continue to slide, far too many "Obama defenders" continue to follow the dream that has become a nightmare.

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