Friday, July 25, 2014

Water works

Hello Southeast Missouri. Wasn't the cooler weather great? I would like to compliment the individuals that go to ReStart and their classes in the water. Angela has really worked good with us. I've been in every class pretty much. The ladies and guys are wonderful. It's just amazing how everybody communicates and enjoys themselves. We might be gabbing a lot, but we are still exercising in the water. It's a great thing that the hospital here in Sikeston is letting us do this to take care of the arthritis in our bodies. The ladies are great, the guys as well. Everybody keep the good work going, get in the water and we'll see you next time on the splashdown.

Nowhere to shop

I was calling about the ad with the police officer's picture in it that said shop local so he could keep his job and do his job. What a laugh! We have nothing in this town to shop for. The Outlet Mall has fewer stores in it. Recently I needed a white blouse and red necklace. And in this town I could not find a small or medium white blouse or a red necklace appropriate to wear for the Fourth of July in my size and I'm an average size person. Then I picked up the paper and there were more ads from Cape than actually paper to read. We need shops. We need businesses. We need jobs in this town. Jobs bring in more sales tax. If we had better paying jobs, no one can make it on minimum wage with gas prices the way it is, and groceries. It really sucks that we have no businesses in this town that can provide the services we need, and when we do get them, we seem to run them out of town - Big Lots, the Mexican Restaurant that they tore down, it was a neat place to eat, a cheap place to eat. The people were friendly, but it's gone too. It's just maybe that this town does not have the ability to grow.

Sign, sign, nowhere a sign

It's a shame when other people have to resort to tearing other people's signs down. It shows desperation and it also shows your morals. You know who you are. Quit tearing our signs down. This is hard-earned money. Money that does not come from big donors. Please, quit tearing our signs down. You know who you are. Thank you.

Waiting for announcement

I'm waiting for an announcement when the local democratic committees are going to bring in these Central American children to our community and take care of them. I sure would like to help them out a little bit.