Friday, August 29, 2014

What's for lunch?

I noticed in the last two Sunday papers that the area schools had their lunch menus in so the kids could see what they were going to eat for the upcoming week. All the schools were in there except Sikeston. Why weren't they published also? It sure would help the parents out to know what's on the menu, that way if it's something that our child doesn't like, we can pack their lunch.

Parents may access their students school lunch menus through the Parent Portal, it will also be made available through the district website and it will be placed in the newspaper. The district is sorry for the inconvenience.

Make the move

I was interested to hear that Malco is thinking about building a new theatre. I don't think where they are talking about is the place. The old Walmart lot would be a perfect place. Roads to it, utilities, lighting and so on are all in place. It would be a good anchor for future development too. I would seem to me that to develop roads, utilities, etc. to the site behind Walmart would be a big expense for the city. They only one benefiting would be the property owner who would make a lot of money and have the other land around it increase in value dramatically. I hope the city will encourage Malco to consider the South Main site.

Checks in the mail

I want to know why does it take the post office so long to deliver the mail? Usually on Gladys Street we used to get it about one o'clock and now it's about four or five o'clock at night. Some people have paychecks from the government and you have to wait till Monday to go cash them. They need to get on the ball and quit taking their sweet time.