SPEAKOUT (471-6636)

Friday, February 27, 2015

Agree, disagree, agree

I am calling because I want to speakout about agreeing with the "Liar in Chief" on TV. I totally agree with this person about the so-called 44th president. He is totally no good as being our president. The other thing I'm calling about in is the "No name calling." I think it was very awful what you did. I wanted to call in about what you said in response was awful. No matter what you were called, still as a person in the office you hold working for a paper, there's no excuse for what you replied. That person should not have done what they did, but you should've been a bigger person. If you are a Christian, you should have responded in a Christian way. And I am sick and tired of hearing and seeing every one of Charter's advertisements also. I see them on every channel, every program. They do have different numbers because I've seen them. Everybody is tired of them. I agree about the 9-9-9. There's a lot of other things I could say. I am a Christian and I think we need to stand up and do the right thing when someone doesn't do the right thing. Let's be a bigger person and be a real good Christian.

Up and running

I was driving around in the neighborhoods at Cape and noticed is about every street was cleaned off with the snow. What I can say about Cape is they will keep that city up and running. I like how they don't wait to the last minute to clean their streets and put their kids in danger and try to make them go to school with roads halfway covered in snow. We will never be like Cape. Sikeston city officials need to get it together. How can I be a proud Sikeston man when I have to travel to Cape, Paducah and Carbondale to shop for things to wear and things for my house? Thinking about moving to Cape to get out of lame, old Sikeston.