
Thursday, April 7, 2016

Look who's talking now

I'd like to speakout about the continuing articles of changing the name of Main Street. The City Council has already taken action on this and it is not being changed. So why keep stirring up problems by putting it in SpeakOut over and over and over? We are getting sick of it.

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If the decision has been made on renaming Main Street, why doesn't SpeakOut stop printing the remarks of the callers calling in against it.

Interesting comments, especially since yours were the only ones we received today on the subject.t

Complain locally

We just got home and got our bills today. It seems like everybody in SpeakOut is talking about the pros and cons of the candidates for U.S. presidency. Fine and dandy. Let's talk about something closer to home. In our bills today, we saw our AT&T telephone bill go up 10 percent with no explanation. We saw our Farmers Home Insurance go up 9-10 percent with no explanation. Anybody got any suggestions. Also we know that BMU is going to have to a 15 percent increase in rates by next January with no adequate explanation for their administrative failures. We also know Liberty Utilities is lobbying for an increase. And we also know that are other increases out there that bear no justification. Cable bills have gone up $7 per cable box recently. So if you have four cable boxes in your home, that's $28 a month, plus hidden charges. If you want to talk about presidential candidates, let's talk about something that's closer to home. When can we get somebody who's going to look out for the poor, middle-class, tax-paying people who have no recourse except to complain? And nothing is ever done. Before you complain about presidential candidates, start complaining to the current politicians, who really aren't doing anything. Just look at your telephone bill. Look at your insurance bill. Look at your utility bill. Look at your cable bill and complain to the politicians who are supposed to be looking out for you.