
Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Police do their best

I'm calling about the article in SpeakOut, "Up in smoke." Whoever the person was that put that in there must be one of the dumbest people in the world. Do they think all the stuff that he said should've been done could've been done and would've been done if it was possible? The police try and they do their best. And that's what they do - their best.

On Broadway

I would like to speakout for myself and every resident who lives on Broadway St. Broadway is a residential street that has children, elderly and normal people. You think that Broadway is in the Indianapolis 500. It has a speed limit of 30 mph. There's never a person that drives 30 mph. You drive so fast that you wouldn't believe how fast you are actually going. We need help on Broadway with the speeders. And then you think Broadway is your trashcan. I'm tired of finding soda cans, cigarettes, condoms, beer cans and your trash in the street. Respect our street, please. We live here. We are not your trash can.

Nailed it

I saw in the paper where you had an article on the front page of 12 individuals who were arrested on outstanding warrants. Could your newspaper or the police department distinguish between a warrant for someone's arrest and an outstanding warrant for someone's arrest? On another note, addressing your sports department, could they take the time to give some of your subscribers some updated information on a Charleston baseball player named Naile. He pitched for Charleston High School a few years ago and was recruited by the University of Alabama, Birmingham. Subsequently he was drafted by the Oakland A's organization. He's about 22. Could your sports department let some of us subscribers know an update on Mr. Naile? That would be appreciated.

A warrant is a warrant is a warrant. Active, outstanding or arrest, they are all the same. James Naile plays for the Beloit Snappers, a Class A affiliate of the Oakland A's. As of May 3, their record was 1-3; and he had a 3.27 ERA. We are planning on doing a story on Naile with updated information in the near future.