Letter to the Editor

Your view: Numbers game

Sunday, January 4, 2004

Dear Editor,

In a recent letter, Doug Friend, the city manager challenged several of the points I've made. I could answer him point by point and may yet need to. But, there might be a simpler way.

In a column on December 14th, our Mayor, using a figure given him by Doug Friend, said, "Our proposed revenue initiative will generate approximately $2.2 million…"

On December 29th, however, the city staff released a ten year budget plan. There the revenue figure projected for the first full year of this tax hike was increased to $3.1 million. In two short weeks, the take had risen $900,000.00 or 41 percent.

So Doug, how would it be if everyone who thinks that a swing of 41 percent is "close enough for government work" votes for this measure, and everyone who doesn't doesn't ?

You know as well as I do that a 1 percent sales tax hasn't generated an amount as low as $2.2 million in Sikeston since 1997. You knew that number was wrong when you gave it to the Mayor. He had little way of knowing it, but you knew.

So, what do you think Doug? Shall we let the measure hang on that simple question alone….you know, honesty?

Looking forward to your reply,

Josh Bill

PS. And Doug, please don't start acting as though you're too important to dignify this with an answer. It's a little late for that.