Letter to the Editor

Your view: CBS is unreliable

Wednesday, October 6, 2004

My husband and I have always watched CBS for what we thought was accurate and concise news. In the past we thought Dan Rather was biased when it came to political issues but recently I believe he blatantly crossed the line. I believe it is important that a newscaster report the news as an impartial party but on several occasions it is very clear where Mr. Rather stands. The latest incident concerning President Bush's military record was clearly biased and, as it turns out, untrue. CBS has quietly apologized for the error, but my question is, where was your staff whose job it is to validate such stories before the news was aired? When you print an incorrect and very damaging article concerning one's reputation on the front page of a newspaper and a small article apologizing on the back page, the damage is done.

I for one am tired of hearing Kerry's Bush-bashing. I think he should be addressing the issues that are important to the American people. The problem with Mr. Kerry is his past record speaks louder than his words. By diverting the public attention from his record, he is hoping to win the election.

I believe this is the most important presidential election this country has ever had. As a Christian living in the Bible Belt of Missouri, I believe the choice for America is clear. If we value the freedoms America was built on, the choice is clearly George W. Bush. Actually, the choices can be summed up as follows:

(A) If you are for homosexual marriage and abortion, then vote for Kerry.

(B) If you are for a marriage amendment and against abortion, vote Bush.

I hope and pray all Americans will examine their morals and beliefs and vote to keep our country free, safe and a place where we can believe in the Bible and do not waver from the truth even if others disagree.

As for my family and me, we will no longer rely on CBS for our world news.

Jana Orr,
