Speakout 8/30

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

I would like to Speakout about the terrible drought we are having here in Southeast Missouri. I have lived in Southeast Missouri most of my life and the Mississippi River has always been a headache for the engineers and barge people but I would like to see the governors of Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee about five or six states here tackle this thing of low water in the Mississippi River here in the real dry years. There have been recommendations of digging a canal from Lake Michigan across Northern Illinois to the Mississippi and that would probably take care of it. Just because we have those dams from St. Louis to the Canadian border doesn't mean you are going to have an abundant supply of water here in Southeast Missouri. From St. Louis south seems to be the problem. I believe if we have a canal somewhere north of here from the Great Lakes or those Canadian people have some big lakes - Lake Winnipeg in Winnipeg, Canada - that's a big one. This water problem is something our state people - legislators, senators and governor and all - need to tackle in the month ahead. We ain't got time to play around with this thing. The global warming and all that stuff is changing the weather here in Central United States. We are going to see some more droughts and I think we are going to see some worse than this in the next 10 years.

I was calling concerned about the gas prices. I see on the news where everyone is blaming the service stations for the prices. I don't think they should be blaming the service stations, they should be putting the blame where it belongs. I think it belongs on George Bush's head. It belongs on him and the Republicans who voted for him to get him re-elected. He has all those foreign countries mad at the United States now. He can make excuses for it how ever he wants to say we are to blame, that he has no control over the prices of gas which he hasn't got control over now because he messed up and has all those people mad at us over here for killing their families and everything. They have raised the crude oil prices. He is the one to blame, not the service stations. I think that everybody who voted for George Bush should have to pay the high prices for the gas and not the Democrats. The Democrats shouldn't have to pay the high prices because they didn't vote him in, they didn't have anything to do with him.

Weedy intersection

On Interstate 55 on Sikeston when you get off at the New Madrid exit, you can't see the traffic coming for the weeds and the Johnson grass. What happen to all the Johnson grass money they have been holding out of our taxes all these years? They don't even spray anymore for it? It is just terrible down there, you can't see the traffic. They won't even cut the weeds. New Madrid County sure needs to cut it.

This about the Carter County Sheriff's Department. You had the article in there about the man who had the residence behind the church. He had been there for hours and they had been called out there on that really hot day and they said that blood was all over the parking lot but they failed to go around the church and find him in a fence bleeding to death? And they left and they didn't come back until they were called about him three or four hours later it said in the paper. Why did they not go around behind the church and look for him? Could have it possibly been because it was like 95 degrees that day and they didn't want to get out of their air-conditioned vehicles and walk around the church? Or get back and drink coffee at the local coffee club? You could see real good if you live in Carter County that Carter County's finest is taking care of your business day and night.

I would like to respond to "Join the crowd." in Monday's Speakout. If you are 84 years old and work everyday please be thankful. There are those in this world who have been on disability that would gladly trade places with you to work and have a normal life. Next time before you speak, please think first.