Speakout 6/23

Thursday, June 23, 2005

I, for one, appreciate the tougher stance our city is taking against those who participate in mob disturbances. And I like the idea of putting them in the area of Ruth and Branum to clean up trash. But I would like to see them take it a step further and instead of letting them sit in an air-conditioned jail for a week, 10 days or a month, then put them out to clean streets only once, I would like to see them taken all over town every day of their jail time for about 10 hours a day to clean our town. They are probably some of the ones who throw trash out the windows of their cars anyway. Whatever our policemen need to do to protect themselves, whether it is to use their gun, turn a police dog loose on them or something else, it shouldn't have to be as a last resort. If they are involved in mob action, they are there by choice and not by accident and should expect to be roughed up. In addition, after their jail time is up, I would like to see them banned from Sikeston. We have a lot of good people, both black and white, who want to see our town returned to a good place to live.

There was a thing on carpet problems and wanting to know how to get candle wax out of a carpet. Put a paper towel down on top of the wax - a couple of layers thick and use an iron. The iron will heat the candle wax out of your carpet. Make sure you use two or three paper towels.

This is in response to the carpet problem in Thursday's edition, June 16, 2005. The person wants to know if anyone knows how to get candle wax out of carpet. I was always told you could place a towel over the wax and use an iron that is hot and it soaks the wax into the towel. I tried it once before and it did work.

* * *

To the person who wanted the candle wax out of their carpet, all you have to do is get an iron and a paper bag or newspaper and lay the newspaper over the candle wax and iron the newspaper as you would iron your own clothes and it will evaporate the candle wax.

To the person wanting to know how to remove candle wax from carpet. You can use Avon Skin So Soft that's oil to get the candle wax out of the carpet.

Hey people, you have heard the police on the scanner. You need to tell a few of them you don't end a sentence with "at." Never end a sentence with "at."

But you just did!

This person that I know. It is all right for you to let someone else borrow something that you loaned, but when it comes to someone in your family, you won't let them borrow it at all. You can take your property and hand it out to everyone else.

I can not believe what the government is doing. I heard on television on one of the news channels that the government is buying Viagra and giving it free to sex offenders who are registered as sex offenders. I wonder if they want them to go out get a hold of more kids and women. To me that is the stupidest thing that the Bush administration has done. If they are doing things like that, no wonder Medicare is in the shape it is in if that is what they are using it for. Something needs to be done about things like that.

Down on Tanner Street, the city or somebody has ruined the fishing lake down across from Carnell's Body Shop. They have drained up. Those of us on that end of town don't have any place to fish anymore for two days after it has rained. But, on the other hand, we appreciate it.