Speakout 12/17

Sunday, December 17, 2006

I read the article that you had about the fish in Morehouse. My husband and I went over there last Friday and I must agree. It is the best fish around. We went over and it was really good.

I would like to comment on Lean on Louisiana. My father has $80,000 worth of debt. My mother has called every commercial they have on TV trying to get $100. Most likely, if he is working for cash, you are not going to get any money.

There are so many animals out here that don't get any kind of care, any kind of warmth, anything. I live on Highway 61 and there's so many animals that come up to my house. And I feel so sorry for them. The Heartland should do something about this. They wouldn't want to be outside on Christmas, freezing in the cold with no food. They don't care about anything but themselves.

Dear Santa, My name is Phillip. I am 7 years old. I know you are busy Santa. Mr. Santa, can you take time to read my letter. You know Santa Claus, last year you forgot to come to my house. You went next door and left Timmy a truck and Mary a doll and I looked under their tree and thinking you may have left my gift there, but there was nothing. Mr. Santa I don't want much, but I sure could use a pair of shoes. You know what, when it snows my feet get cold and my coat has a big hole on the inside. I really do shiver. Santa Claus, do you think you could find me a coat to wear to keep warm? I'm not very big. I sure do get cold. I hear people talking about a man named Jesus. I hear he listens when I pray. Will you help me pray to him Santa Claus? You see my Mommy and Daddy are too busy to talk to me much, and they get mad at me and hit me with a belt. When Daddy drinks that stuff in a bottle, he gets really mad and acts weird and I go hide. I feel sad and alone. Santa Claus, I need you this year. Please help me. Phillip. I wrote this to remind people of the little children being abused. They don't understand.

I want to speak out about the Sikeston Bleacher Bums. I recently attended the Sikeston-Charleston game on Friday as a neutral fan. During the game, I was constantly distracted by these Bums, whose names fit them well. I cannot believe a school supports such trashy behavior. Something should be done to tone this down.

Was Chris Moore ever a Bleacher Bum? If not, someone should give him a T-

shirt. Someone should also give him a Notre Dame final four soccer T-shirt. I'm sure he would love it.

About a week ago I was reading my paper when I saw something that caught my eye. Someone complained that the DPS dispatchers were rude. I've called them before and they've been helpful and courteous. They were great to me when I needed them and helped me. The person who called in and said they were rude must have been unwilling to cooperate with them, or maybe they were rude themselves. I would like to say thank you to all DPS dispatchers for helping me when I needed them.