Speakout 7/22

Sunday, July 22, 2007

I just heard on the news where the Chinese are trying to poison us with toothpaste. The are putting some kind of element in it that's close to antifreeze. Where's our president and governor at? They're too busy funding schools and giving these big shots tax breaks. Other people are trying to make a living and here they are poisoning us. You can't even make a living anymore. They need to step down and realize this is wrong.

We want to know why we can't have a governor like they've got in Illinois. It seems like he is far better than the one we've got in Missouri. He is for the people, he's for the poor. He is now trying to help people who have terminal illnesses with their insurance. These insurance companies are punishing these people for having a terminal illness. Blunt sure don't give a rip! He never has and never will. Someday what he's done to people will come back to him. What goes around, comes around.

We live in the apartments in Miner, they're out by the nursing home. It used to be pretty and shady, all surrounded by trees. You could sit out in your yard on the front porch and the sun wouldn't bother you in the evenings or in the morning, which ever side that you lived on. It shaded your apartment in the morning or the evening. And also the trees helped to cut down on your utility bills. But they came out with a big truck, rude men and the big old cutters and they started cutting everything in sight. The trees look so bad now, they just butchered them. They are butchered and bare. It's awful what they have done. They even had one of the Bootheel Mental Health workers come out there and take care of them, two hours, three hours, sometimes four hours a day because they can't even take their trash out. The workers from different places come out and take care of them. They even had one of their vehicles hauled off by Satterfield's because it was in their way. She was only doing her job. All they had to do was knock on the doors, there's only 20 apartments. How long would it have taken to knock on the doors and find out which apartment that truck belonged to? They didn't. They had her truck hauled off. It takes money to do that and those workers don't make that much money. She had to go pick her up truck. If you drive by, look at the apartments now. They used to be so pretty with the big trees.

I want to say amen to the person that spoke about the Johnson grass tax. I've always said that was the most foolish tax to put on people. Let everybody take care of their own grass. If they're in need of another tax, put it before the city so all can have a right to vote on it. Don't force taxes on people to hide behind so the city can have money to play around with for their own use.

I think Mr. Blunt ought to think twice about giving these teachers more money when they are having trouble getting a passing grade. He has taken the funding from Medicaid and Medicare, which is retired people, and giving it to teachers who don't even know what they are doing.