Speakout 7-31

Thursday, July 31, 2008

What's the reason

Mike, I wonder if you could investigate and find out what the reason is for asphalting the median on the Interstate and what the cost would be to the taxpayer.

They are not paving the median. They are working on the shoulders of the road and putting up guard cables.


I was reading in SpeakOut where someone was looking for a doctor for their esophagus and throat. There is a doctor at St. Francis Medical Center. His name is Michael Freeman. He's taking new patients and you don't have to have a referral. He is supposed to be a good doctor. He's a gastroenterologist. That's the kind of doctor you need. They go down into your throat and look at it. His phone number is 331-3350 to schedule an appointment.

The philosophy of freedom

Are we truly a free society or is it possible that our understanding of freedom has become so deluded that the very freedom that our country was founded and created upon has merely become an illusion. The pure, uncut definition of freedom reads like this: freedom is owning the power to exercise choices and make decisions without constraint from within or without. It is exemption from control, interference, regulation, etc. There are very few things anymore that in everyday life go without interference by our federal government in some way, shape or form. We get so caught up in our little circles and routines that we fail to realize our unalienable rights are slowly being stripped from us piece by piece. It is such a slow process that many do not even notice and sadly some do not care. This is how it works - we must have a "monster" or "dilemma" in order for all these things to happen. For example: terrorists, illegal drugs, and diseases. Find or design a problem, engineer a solution, raise the level of government power, remove personal rights and freedoms. Do you see a problem and a pattern here? However many ask me: how does this affect me? My life has not noticeably or drastically changed. Everything seems to be in decent order. My friend there is your illusion - research your history, understand your present, monitor your future. I feel a certain sadness for what my children and grandchildren will experience in these next two generations.

Don't know, don't vote

I'm calling in to let the person know where Obama's from. I hope they are not a registered voter because they don't know the laws. If he's not a natural born United States citizen, he couldn't be president of the United States. So, if they would like to go back and read their history books, then they can apply for a voter registration card. I think that might be a good idea.

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This is to answer a SpeakOut caller's question. Barack Obama is from the United States. As a matter of fact, he was raised by his grandparents in the state of Kansas. I guess I'm going to have to forgive him for being a Jayhawk.

The yellers the fellar

I'm calling in response to In the hot seat. For one, I'm glad to know that your children are educated because obviously you are not. It's not who really done it, it's who really did it. And as far as it being my children, it's not. I don't even live in Blodgett and don't go to the park. I just happen to know Mr. Russell and know what he has done for the town. You obviously took a lot of offense to it. Therefore, I would say you might want to go talk to him and explain who did it. It was either your kids or you know who did it because you sure did bark back awful loud real fast. Brush up on your English skills and take care of the park.