
Time to address illegal immigration

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

We watch with great concern each day as our country faces a toxic assault on our southern border. The daily flow is clearly devastating and yet a solution seems as distant today as when the problem first surfaced.

But I'm not talking about the oil spill in the Gulf but rather the assault of illegal immigration from Mexico.

The comparison of the oil spill and the issue with illegal immigration is striking. Both issues first threaten our southern regions but the potential for more widespread damage is equally obvious. Both problems were virtually ignored by the current administration until the cries became too loud to ignore any longer.

The administration criticized Louisiana for taking a pro-active approach and trying to address the oil spill issue in the absence of federal intervention. Louisiana's efforts to put booms offshore to halt the flow of oil onto her shores was criticized as harmful to the environment. Arizona's efforts to stem the tide of illegal immigration has been roundly criticized by the administration along with the threats of lawsuits.

But at least in regard to the oil spill, the Obama administration has finally taken some decisive action though it seems limited more to financial reimbursement than addressing the daily flow of oil.

When it comes to illegal immigration, the administration finally ordered a handful of additional personnel to monitor the southern border.

Both actions were more symbolic than substantive and we all know it.

But here's the real problem concerning our southern border assaults. Long after the oil spill is history and the Gulf has returned to normal - and it will - the issue of millions of illegal immigrants will remain.

The oil spill will temporarily change the face of the Gulf Coast - though the full extent remains unknown. The issue of illegal immigration threatens the very culture of this country and the impact will remain forever.

But oil spills can't vote. And though the threats from these twin assaults is most obvious, don't ever expect this administration to take any positive role in addressing the daily flow of thousands upon thousands of illegal immigrants coming on our shores.

Wouldn't it be interesting if the Obama media took an example from their oil spill cameras deep in the ocean that bring us minute-by-minute reminders of the negative impact and used the same technology to post a camera on the Arizona or Texas border and allowed us to witness the daily toxic flow than threatens from Mexico.

Like the oil spill, illegal immigration requires less study and more action. When this administration turns to the academic world to study an issue, the translation is that little will be done to address the problem. The administration believes we will somehow be impressed that "the best minds" are focusing on our problems when what we need are boots on the ground to face the issue.

The oil spill in the Gulf - devastating and disruptive as it is - will be but a footnote in history. The other assault on our southern border however will change history.

In my mind, that change will not be for the better.

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