Speakout 6-30

Sunday, June 30, 2002

Whatever Mr. Jensen's bias is toward Steve Fossett, it seems to me that they are ridiculous. Just think of all the technological advances that have occurred due to the Mercury and NASA experiences over the years. Numerous medical advances, a lot of advances in technology including computers, plastics, whatever, I don't know why he doesn't like some rich guy flying all over the world. If the guy sets a record, obviously it took him a lot of hours to get that far, so be it. Anyway, I think Mr. Jensen is way off base.

I would like to SpeakOut about the big highway and transportation bill that they're going to have on the ballot in Missouri on Aug. 6. I have always supported the gasoline tax in the past because I know that people from out of state, mainly tourists, help pay millions of dollars into Missouri every year just for transportation needs. I would like to see this bill passed in August. I'll be one of the first to say in SpeakOut that I'm going to vote for it and am encouraging my friends to vote for it. We need it for bridges, we need to get some of these narrow bridges widened in Scott and New Madrid counties all over the state. Get on the ball and get that four-lane finished at Cape Girardeau and a lot of other things. We need this. Let's get behind this one more time and give the guys in Jefferson City one more chance to get their act together and get this highway thing going straight.

Why does Charter Cable on the basic channels, which costs $20, why do they have a music channel for the black people but want to charge another $20 to add a music channel for the white people.

This is a case when you need to go to the source for answers. Call Charter at (800) 455-0244.

Every time I pick up the paper, I see where a child has received a nice reward for attending school. I thought it was a law that each child went to school and if they didn't, the parents were punished. This is not setting a very good example for some that are sick and can't go to school every day but try to go when they are able. If a child is able to go to school, the parents are supposed to make sure they do. That's why we have truant officers to be sure they're in school. They are spending good money that could be used for books or something to give a child as a gift for going to school when they have to go anyway.

I am interested in the history of Miner. Does anyone have pictures of the town or buildings before about 1951? Call me at 471-1917.

I am calling about the SpeakOut concerning Morehouse and Matthews schools. It would help Morehouse and Matthews both if they would build a school out in the county where it would be halfway for each town. I think that would be the best solution for both of those towns.