SpeakOut 6/26

Wednesday, June 26, 2002

Call 471-6636

I'd like to SpeakOut about the front page article on June 16 about all the millions of dollars they're going to ask registered voters to vote on Aug. 6. I want the District 10 people to take better care of these rural roads (Highway 114 and some of those) in this area. Raymond McCulley who used to be over this area was transferred to St. Louis. Raymond took good care of 114. The fellow they have in charge now don't seem to give a rip about it. There's going to be more traffic over that. It needs to be widened, the ditch needs to be cleaned out. When you think about those millions being spent, you better not forget about us over here in New Madrid County on Aug. 6. We're really hot on the edge about this 114. It needs to be blacktopped and it needs to be done this year.

You can call the Missouri Department of Transportation Customer Service Center at (888) 275-6636.

I would like to SpeakOut about the ad that's in Monday's paper, "Jars - anybody." They didn't say they want to sell them. I think that's a cheap way to sell them because after you call to check about them, the jars were for sale and not to give away. I don't think the newspaper should have printed that one because that's just taking money away from the newspaper, an ad to sell for nothing.

It is not SpeakOut's policy to print items in this forum that would be considered a classified ad. This was on oversight on our part.

Well, Kmart is closed. I wonder when Wal-Mart will. You can't get in a speedy checkout. The welfare recipients and food stamps users have the lines all tied up. We'll take our money to Cape and shop.

How much longer is our government at our state (I'm not talking about just one state, I'm talking about all states) - how much longer is our government going to tolerate welfare fraud? There is so much welfare fraud just in this town alone, it's pathetic. I don't see why it's not investigated. I don't see why they don't have their welfare checks taken away from them. I'm talking about people who are able to work and draw big checks and all the benefits too with the welfare. I can't believe our government and our state has tolerated it this long and so many people who need it can't get it because of fraud.

We were shopping in Wal-Mart last week. The lady ahead of us was buying sodas and other items at the sale price that Market Place had. The cashier wasn't really sure and the girl got really angry. If the lady wants Market Place prices for the soda, tell her to bring the Market Place ad to Wal-Mart. They'll gladly let her have it for that. I believe that's the way it should go. Bring the ad to Wal-Mart and they will let you have it. I've seen it done many times.

I see where some of the older doctors look like they're starting back into practice again. I'm an older man myself and I'm retired. Looks like they're starting to act like spring chickens again. What's going on here?