SpeakOut 3/24

Monday, March 24, 2003

Call 471-6636

People have missed something along away about the $7 an hour couple. The original article said that he and his wife worked for $7 an hour. It's not just one person trying to support a family on $7 an hour. Sure, you can't have everything you want but you can have the necessities of life. I'm sorry you have to pay child support and all that, but you might as well figure you can make it on $7 an hour if you put your mind to it.

I was at a local store today getting some farming supplies and I was checked out by the nicest red-headed lady. I would like to comment on the way she treated us. She treated us with a smile, talked to us the whole time. I told her how nice she was and how she made my visit to that store very pleasant. You don't find this very often. I want her boss to know that he has a good cashier working for him. If anybody ever deserved a thank you, it's her.

The March 13 SpeakOut titled "Be self-supporting" hit the nail on the head. Why should I be forced to pay child support in the form of tax-funded welfare programs for a child I did not get the pleasure of participating in the conception of?

It was upsetting to me when I saw the letter from the city councilman with the title of mayor pro-tem appeared in your March 12 edition. It was my understanding that the voters chose in February to change the structure of the city government and elect a mayor in the April election. Listing someone as pro-tem sounds as if he's already in line for the mayor's job. With approximately 20 percent of the registered voters participating, the pro-tem title might be confusing to those who think the mayor has already been elected. We know this isn't true and we think you should make a correction.

I agree with being self-supporting. We neuter and spay cats and dogs because they are not intelligent enough to limit the number of their offspring. We need to do the same to parents who keep running to the welfare office because they keep having children they cannot afford.

How long has Dawson's Creek been on the air?

The show was first aired in January 1998.

I would like to SpeakOut about the people who pick up your trash. I find more trash barrels. They pick them up and throw them across the yard or in the road. You can hardly get down the road because the trash cans are thrown in the street. I have a trash man who just pitches my can. It doesn't matter whether it's raining or snowing or whatever. I just wish they'd put the lids back on them and sit them down instead of throwing them in the yard. Have a little consideration, please.

In times like this, with the economy so bad, it would be better if you helped your subscribers by lowering the price of your newspaper like you did a few years ago, rather than having me look in the paper for a Lucky Buck, where it only helps a few. By the way, it looks like your Sikeston subscribers are the only ones winning. I'm a 30-year subscriber.