Looking Back 1/29

Thursday, January 29, 2004

60 years ago

SIKESTON - Houck Mitchell, manager of the Sikeston District Employment Service office, was inducted into the Army last week at Jefferson Barracks and is now here on his automatic three weeks furlough prior to reporting for active duty.

40 years ago

SIKESTON - A 15-year-old OH Club member, Cleo Beeson of Sikeston Route 1, produced 1,236 pounds of lint cotton per acre to capture first place honors in the 1963 three-bale cotton contest sponsored by the Missouri Cotton Producers Association. The Beesons scored a double with Charles, 13-year-old brother of Cleo, winning fourth place in the contest. The boys are the sons of Mr. and Mrs. C.C. Beeson.

20 years ago

SIKESTON - Capt. Dan Hinton has been named interim director of the Sikeston Department of Public Safety. Hinton will take over his new duties Saturday, replacing Tom Posey, who has resigned to enter private business in Fayetteville, Ark. City Manager Robert Knabel indicated that the director position will be filled following completion of the search for a pubic works director. Since coming to Sikeston in August 1972, Hinton started as a detective and has since worked as a detective sergeant, field operations lieutenant, crime investigation division captain and field operations captain. Hinton graduated from Charleston High School in 1966.

10 years ago

SIKESTON - Contestants recently vied for the title of Little Mr. Winter. Drew Ryan is first runner-up; Austin Hunter, king; and Cole Hunter was first runner-up. All are from Sikeston.

SIKESTON - Sikeston and Charleston both can take pride in wins over Blytheville, Ark., earlier this year. Blytheville is 14-3 and ranked No. 1 overall in Arkansas this week.

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