Letter to the Editor

Your view: I agree

Thursday, July 19, 2007

I totally agree with Darryl Spurlock when it comes to buying things made is America . This not only includes trinkets but should include Anything! I just have to shake my head when I see and hear of people buying foreign cars. Come on people think about it before you buy. Our Fathers, Brothers, Grandfathers, Moms, Grandmothers, and Sisters all fought and died for our country.

Why are we Americans selling them out for a cheap anything! Haven't you heard the saying "Buy American and America works?" Let's take care of one another America . United We Stand!!!! I Love America !!!!!!!! She is still the best country in the World. Let's keep her that way!!!!!!!!

Darlene Hodgkiss

Ionia, Miss.

P.S. I too am originally from Sikeston and read you online as often as I can. Thank You for this opportunity!