SpeakOut 11-18

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Political letdown

A lot of us who worked so hard to get Barack Obama elected president are suffering a letdown now that the election is over. What should be done? As other movement politicians have articulated well, the revolution must be permanent and ongoing. The next step should be to work to repeal the 22nd Amendment so that the president would not be limited to two terms.


Rather than sending out more stimulus checks, Congress should consider allocating stimulus funds to our nation's aging infrastructure. This will create jobs and those who want to work can be "stimulated" that way. While they're at it, Congress should also examine the benefits of repealing the Federal Prevailing Wage Law known as the Davis Bacon Act which appears to only increase costs to the taxpayers. I don't know this for sure but I'm guessing China and Japan (our two biggest creditors) don't have prevailing wage laws.

Don't be scammed

I get an email about once a week from places like Nigeria saying I have won a great deal of money. I recognize a scam when I hear of them and the BBB said those are scams so delete them and don't send them any money and for sure don't give them bank account information. I wonder if anyone else in Sikeston gets these letters and has anyone bit on this garbage.

Proceed with caution

I am calling in regards to the article about the free Yorkies that ran in the newspaper. I emailed the address that was given to inquire about them. They finally replied a few days later and said they were Christian missionaries that were in Africa and they could no longer take care of the puppies, so they would be happy to ship the puppies to the United States for free as long as I gave them all of my personal information as well as name, address and telephone number. I think everybody needs to be cautious of these people because you don't know who you are giving your information to.

Not an animal lover

I would like to say again, I don't like to see animals mistreated. I hate it that the Pit Bulls were killed, but for Pete's sake, money is pouring in, food is pouring in. We've got people in this country that are hungry. They don't have warm clothes. Children go to bed hungry at night. Why are we throwing such a fit over a bunch of dogs when we've got kids that need taken care of? America, wake up! An animal is an animal, it doesn't have a soul. When it dies, it doesn't go anywhere. We need to stop and think what we're doing. Children and old people need to be taken care of. I don't know what's happening to this world. I pray God wakes us up soon. If you want one of those dogs, you can have them. I got attacked by one and I don't ever want to see another one. If they're your animals, you keep them up and you take care of them, that's your prerogative.

Keeps on rocking

Please tell me what does a person need to do in the city of Miner to keep the music in a bar at a lower level of sound? Numerous people are being affected by this every weekend and the problem remains a problem. We ourselves have adapted in our own way of putting up with this. We turn on two TVs loud as possible and you can still hear the sound vibrations. So we stay up till the noise (music) stops around 1:30 a.m. Saturday and Sundays every weekend. Can anything be done? Does anyone have a suggestion to help this problem? Help! All we want is less noise so we and others can sleep.