Lots to decide on November 2

Sunday, October 24, 2010

If you're like me, you probably have decided how to cast your ballot in just over a week. Surely by now we've heard enough from the candidates to know their positions and make a decision on just how to vote.

But also if you're like me, every year we have Constitutional amendments and statewide propositions that generate less attention and - with some obvious exceptions - I'm often undecided on how to vote even as I enter the voting booth.

This year Missourians will decided on three Constitutional Amendments and two propositions come Nov. 2. Most of these measures will have absolutely no impact on our region. But regardless, we too have a voice in the outcome.

In a brief attempt to explain the amendments and propositions, I offer the following:

Constitutional Amendment 1 will require the office of county assessor to be an elected position in counties with a charter form of government. Currently this will impact only St. Louis county and, quite frankly, it makes little sense for us to have a vote.

Constitutional Amendment 2 will eliminate property tax payments for former Prisoners of War. Pretty simple.

Constitutional Amendment 3 will prevent counties or cities from imposing a tax, including a sales tax, on the sale of your home or real estate. In our quest for new revenue, it appears some political subdivisions want to impose a tax when you sell your home.

Proposition A would repeal the authority of certain cities - St. Louis and Kansas City - from imposing an earning tax. These two urban areas impose an earning tax to shore up their revenue. This measure would remove that tax.

Proposition B has perhaps generated the most attention. The "puppy mill" measure would help to control illegal breeders of animals and provide guidelines for that industry. These large-scale breeding operations have become a problem in many parts of Missouri and this measure would add some much-need strength for law enforcement to address those problems.

So there you have it. Not real exciting. And not a whole lot of impact one way or another on your region.

Let me make it simple. I will vote yes on each of these questions in next week's election.

I favor electing officials instead of appointing even though it doesn't impact us.

I certainly favor removing property taxes from those brave former POWs.

I don't want the county or city or state imposing a sales tax when I sell a property.

I think St. Louis and Kansas City should quit soaking their working population with an earning tax.

And finally, I favor any measure that would control unsavory "puppy mills".

You may disagree. That's the magic of elections. But for me this year, I'll mark a yes beside each of these measures and feel proud for doing so.

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