November 7, 2020

SIKESTON — Community spread of COVID-19 is increasing in Southeast Missouri, and public health officials remind residents to take precautions to keep the virus from spreading. Scott County reported on Thursday six more deaths related to COVID-19, bringing the total number of deaths in the county to 33. There were 43 new positive cases reported Thursday, bringing the total to 223 new cases over the past week...

By Leonna Heuring/Standard Democrat
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SIKESTON — Community spread of COVID-19 is increasing in Southeast Missouri, and public health officials remind residents to take precautions to keep the virus from spreading.

Scott County reported on Thursday six more deaths related to COVID-19, bringing the total number of deaths in the county to 33. There were 43 new positive cases reported Thursday, bringing the total to 223 new cases over the past week.

There are a total of 1,751 positive cases in Scott County with 484 active and 1,240 recovered.

“Please remember, if you get tested for COVID, you and your household members should isolate and stay at home and away from others until your test results are in,” the Scott County Health Department said. “We are still strongly recommending that you continue to social distance to prevent the spread of this disease. Please stay home from work and other activities if you are feeling sick or have a close family member sick. Wear a mask when out in public to protect you and others. Also, if you have COVID-19 symptoms, please contact your primary care physician to determine if you need testing.”

New Madrid County is also seeing a surge in the number of positive cases.

On Thursday, the health department reported 32 new cases in the county, bringing the total cases to 903. There are 88 active cases and 22 deaths. The health department reported 14 new cases on Wednesday, 27 on Tuesday, 8 on Oct. 31 and 13 on Oct. 30.

“We are still strongly recommending that you continue to social distance to prevent the spread of this disease,” the health department said. “Please stay home from work and other activities if you are feeling sick or have a household member sick. Wash your hands often. Wear masks in public settings when around people not living in your household and particularly where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain, such as grocery stores, pharmacies, and gas stations.”

Masks may slow the spread of the virus and help people who may have the virus and do not know it from transmitting it to others, the health department said, adding masks provide an extra layer to help prevent the respiratory droplets from traveling in the air and onto other people.

“COVID-19 can be spread by people who do not have symptoms and do not know that they are infected,” the health department said. “If you are named as a close contact to a positive case, please quarantine like you are suppose to — for 14 days from your last day of contact to the positive person, or what you are told from your local health department.”

Individuals should be alert for symptoms if they are a contact.

“Stay home when you are sick. Try to use a separate room and bathroom for sick household members if possible. Also, your sick household member needs to wear a face mask if they have to come out of their separate room to help prevent spreading it to others in the household,” the health department said.

Mississippi County reported eight new positive cases since Friday. Total cases in the community and Southeast Correctional Center increased from 574 to 582 while active cases decreased from 80 to 75. Deaths remained the same at 7.

There are 495 total cases in the community with 35 active. Cases at SECC increased from 84 to 87 with 40 active cases.

The health department noted the National Guard will conduct free COVID-19 testing for any Missouri resident from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Nov. 12 at the former Regions Bank location in downtown East Prairie, Missouri. Anyone can be tested regardless of symptoms and you do not have to quarantine until your test results come in.

Stoddard County will also offer a free drive-thru COVID-19 testing clinic. It will be from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Nov. 13 at the Lighthouse Church in Dexter, Missouri. To register for the testings in East Prairie and Dexter, go to or call 877-435-8411.

On Thursday, Stoddard County Public Health Center reported 24 new confirmed cases, bringing the total number of cases to 1,254. There are 189 active cases with 1,039 recovered and 26 deaths.

Pemiscot County Health Center reported there are 108 active cases with 4 hospitalized, 793 released from isolation and 18 deaths. The total number of cases is 919.

On Wednesday, Cape Girardeau County Public Health Center said it had its largest number of new cases reported in a day with 97 newly confirmed cases.

“This is concerning because if we follow the current worldwide trend, as cases increase, hospitalizations and deaths increase,” the health center said.

On Thursday the health department reported 73 new confirmed cases, bringing the total number of confirmed cases to 3,239. There are 464 active cases, and so far there have been 53 deaths in Cape County.
