June 13, 2024

ORAN, Mo. — Four valedictorians and one salutatorian led Oran High School’s class of 2024 in academics. Valedictorians were Andrew Dennis, Owen Forehand, Lillian Knotts and Molly Spane. Salutatorian was Dixie Shoemaker. Dennis, who is the son of Ryan and Katherine Dennis of Vanduser, was active in baseball, BETA Club, FCA, FFA and member of Guardian Angel Parish in Oran. ...

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ORAN, Mo. — Four valedictorians and one salutatorian led Oran High School’s class of 2024 in academics.

Valedictorians were Andrew Dennis, Owen Forehand, Lillian Knotts and Molly Spane. Salutatorian was Dixie Shoemaker.

Dennis, who is the son of Ryan and Katherine Dennis of Vanduser, was active in baseball, BETA Club, FCA, FFA and member of Guardian Angel Parish in Oran. Scholarships received include: University of Tennessee-Martin Dean’s academic scholarship and the Voyager Scholarship; Southeast Missouri State University Copper Dome Scholarship and Residence Life Scholarship; Three Rivers College Achievement Scholarship; Anita Barnes Memorial Scholarship; A+ Scholarship; George Washington Carver Award; and Outstanding Academic Excellence Award.

He plans to attend Three Rivers College where he will major in agribusiness.

Forehand was active in basketball, baseball, Beta Club, FFA and FCCLA, and he’s a member of Fellowship of Christian Athletes and Guardian Angel Parish in Oran. His scholarships include University of Missouri’s Perfect Score scholarship; National Beta Club Scholarship; Missouri Bright Flight Scholarship; A+ scholarship; and Oran Knights of Columbus Scholarship. He is a fourt0mie Beta state math Andrew Dennis

finalist and two-time Beta national math test finalist. Forehand, who is the son of Danny and Genni Forehand, plans to attend the University of Missouri in Columbia and study engineering.

Knotts is the daughter of Jeannie and Troy Knotts of Oran. She was active in softball, basketball, band, FCA, FCCLA, Beta Club, Student Council, OLC Youth, community bands and Clearwater Lakers softball. She also served as her class president. Her scholarships include: George Washington Carver Award; Presidents Award for Academic Excellence; A+ Scholarship; Residence Life; Copper Dome, SEMO Marching Band, SEMO Music Department, Provost-Murray; Curt Bucey Memorial Scholarship and Marching Band Scholarship. She plans to major in music education-instrumental focus at Murray State University in Murray, Kentucky.

Spane, who is the daughter of Robin and Travis Spane, was active in softball, cheer, FCCLA, FCA, Student Council, Beta Club and Art Club. Her scholarships include: Oran Alumni Scholarship; Anita Barnes Scholarship; Korinne Lyn Dannenmueller Memorial Scholarship; Alliance Bank Scholarship; Woodfin Science and Healthcare Scholarship; Oran CTA scholarship; Superintendents’ Association Scholarship; and Murray State Provost. She plans to attend Murray State University and major in communication disorders.

Shoemaker is the daughter of Ryan and Katrina Shoemaker of Oran. She was active in Beta Club, Student Council and Art Club. Her scholarships include: SEMO Electric Cooperative Foundation Scholarship, MFA Scholarship; Anita Barnes Memorial Scholarship; A+ Scholarship; Southeast Missouri State University Copper Dome Scholarship and Residents Award for Education of Excellence. She plans to attend the University of Missouri-Columbia, where she will major in business administration.
