March 17, 2021

CAPE GIRARDEAU, Mo. – Saint Francis Healthcare System will be holding Phase 1B Tier 3 COVID-19 vaccination clinics at Saint Francis Medical Center, Entrance 2 at 211 Saint Francis Drive in Cape Girardeau on the following dates from 2-6 p.m.: Friday, March 19...

CAPE GIRARDEAU, Mo. – Saint Francis Healthcare System will be holding Phase 1B Tier 3 COVID-19 vaccination clinics at Saint Francis Medical Center, Entrance 2 at 211 Saint Francis Drive in Cape Girardeau on the following dates from 2-6 p.m.:

Friday, March 19

Wednesday, March 24

Thursday, March 25

Friday, March 26

An appointment is required. To schedule a COVID-19 vaccine appointment, visit or call 573-381-5958.

Individuals in Phase 1B Tier 3 are eligible to receive the vaccine, as well as all individuals in Phase 1A, 1B Tier 1 and 1B Tier 2.

Phase 1B Tier 3 includes Critical Infrastructure:

- Education: Teachers, faculty, and staff in public, private and nonprofit pre K – 12

- Childcare: Faculty and staff in a DHSS or DSS-licensed facility providing basic care to children

- Communications Sector: Employees at public, private or nonprofit organizations that provide communications services

- Dams Sector: Employees at public, private or nonprofit organizations that provide services in the dams sector related to critical water retention and control services

- Energy Sector: Employees at public, private or nonprofit organizations that provide energy services, regardless of the energy source

- Food/Agriculture Sector – initial: Employees of certain food production and processing facilities, and related operations, prioritizing mass food production, distribution, transportation, wholesale and retail sales, including grocery and convenience stores where groceries are sold; includes veterinary services

- Government: Elected officials in any branch of government at the state, county and/or municipal levels required for the continuity of government; members of the judiciary at the federal, state and/or local levels required for the continuity of government; employees designated by the federal government that fall within the state’s vaccine allocation responsibilities; other designated government personnel required for the continuity of government

- Information Technology Sector: Employees at public, private or nonprofit organizations that provide IT services - Nuclear Reactors, Materials, and Waste Sector: Employees at public, private or nonprofit organizations that work in this sector.

- Transportation Systems Sector: Employees in the transportation systems sector including aviation, highway and motor carriers, maritime transportation systems, mass transit and passenger rail, pipeline systems, freight rail and postal shipping.

- Water and Wastewater Systems Sector: Employees at public, private and/or nonprofit organizations that provide drinking or wastewater services.

Phase 1A includes Patient-Facing Healthcare Workers and Long-Term Care Facility Residents and Staff:

- Hospitals, Long-term care facilities and residents, including Department of Mental Health-operated facilities.

- Home health, Hospice, Dialysis centers, Urgent care.

- Vaccinator staff and those administering COVID testing.

- Congregate community healthcare settings staff and residents, including DMH contracted settings and adult day cares.

- EMS and high-risk non-congregate healthcare, including clinics, physicians and home care providers.

- All remaining patient-facing healthcare providers, including but not limited to healthcare workers in emergency shelters, dental offices, school nurses, pharmacies, public health clinics, mental/behavioral health providers and correctional settings.

Phase 1B Tier 1 includes First Responders, Emergency Services and Public Health Infrastructure:

- Non-Patient Facing Public Health Infrastructure: Administrators and staff at federal, state or local public health agencies and other healthcare workers who carry out functions necessary to the operation of the state’s healthcare infrastructure not included in 1A.

- First Responders: All federal, state, and/or local first responders beyond EMS/EMTs in 1A, including law enforcement, fire services, corrections and certain social service agencies.

- Emergency Management and Public Works: Federal, state or local government employees in emergency management and public works agencies, identified nonprofit organizations designated as partner voluntary agencies.

- Emergency Services Sector: Employees defined in the emergency services sector not otherwise listed, including law enforcement, fire and rescue services, emergency medical services, emergency management and public works.

Phase 1B Tier 2 includes high-risk individuals:

- Anyone aged 65 and older

- Adults with the following conditions:

o Cancer

o Chronic Kidney Disease

o COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) o Intellectual and/or developmental disabilities such as Down syndrome

o Heart Conditions such as heart failure, CAD (coronary artery disease) or cardiomyopathies

o Immunocompromised state from solid organ transplant

o Severe Obesity (BMI >40kg/m2)

o Pregnancy

o Sickle Cell Disease

o Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

For more information, visit
