July 27, 2022

NEW MADRID, Mo. - The start of the school year for students in the New Madrid County R-1 School District is less than a month away and activities are picking up for students and faculty. All students must complete the yearly online registration before the first day of school on Aug. 22...

By Jill Bock/Standard Democrat
Employees with Zoellner Construction Co. work on a new sidewalk at the New Madrid Elementary School. The new sidewalk and new visitors' parking lot were recently added to the school as part of the New Madrid County R-1 School District's summer improvements.
Employees with Zoellner Construction Co. work on a new sidewalk at the New Madrid Elementary School. The new sidewalk and new visitors' parking lot were recently added to the school as part of the New Madrid County R-1 School District's summer improvements.Jill Bock/Standard Democrat

NEW MADRID, Mo. - The start of the school year for students in the New Madrid County R-1 School District is less than a month away and activities are picking up for students and faculty.

All students must complete the yearly online registration before the first day of school on Aug. 22.

Parents will find enrollment information by visiting their child’s school website and selecting the Parents tab. Then choose student enrollment and select Register your student for school and follow prompts.

Also parents can call the school for any additional information or support.

The parents of students new to the District must contact the school office before registering their child.

Orientation for faculty and staff is Aug. 15.

The open houses will kick off Aug. 16 with the open house from 4-7 p.m. for students attending New Madrid County Central High School.

During the open house, those that have not completed the online enrollment/registration may do so in the high school commons. Once registration is completed, chrome books, ID badges and schedules will be handed out to each student.

Freshman orientation is from 6-7 p.m. in the auditorium. Freshmen and their parents should enter through the North lobby. A tour and school pictures will follow.

Pictures will be taken by Cheekwood Studios from 5 -7 p.m. in the commons. For parents who have not received information about costs and photo packages, this information is available at the high school office.

The Technical Skills Center teachers will be present and in their classrooms during open house for those with questions about these programs.

The open house at the Middle School for students in sixth through eighth grades and their parents is set for 4-7 p.m. Aug. 17.

From 3-6 p.m. Aug. 18, the District’s elementary schools at Lilbourn, Matthews and New Madrid will conduct their open houses.

School will begin with a full day of class on Aug. 22.

For the first time, students that plan on driving to school will pick out a parking spot and it will be assigned to them for the remainder of the school year.

To be assigned a parking spot a student will need a valid driver’s license, proof of insurance and registration. According to Central High School principal Justin Polley, all students must be able to provide this documentation to drive and park on school property and must register with the high school office to drive and park on campus. Registration forms are available in the high school office or can be downloaded by following link https://5il.co/1ej3r

Seniors will select their parking spots between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. Aug 8 or Aug. 9.

Students that were academically placed in the top 10 percent of their class will get to select their parking spot first. All other spots will be selected first come, first served.

Juniors will select their spot between 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Aug. 10 or Aug. 11. All spots selected will be first come, first served.

All other students or any student that is unable to attend those dates may select their parking spots on Aug. 16.

Seniors have the option to paint their parking spots.

Seniors should submit their design idea for their spot and a $25 payment to Whitney Smith, NMCC art teacher, by Sept. 2.

From 1-6 p.m. Sept. 10, participants will be able to paint their spots. Those taking part must bring their own supplies, including paint brushes, rollers, tape and paint. Exterior latex paint only will be allowed.

Those who paint back over their spots in May 2023 will have their $25 deposit refunded.

The R-1 District has a new app available with information about activities, staff and for alerts. The new New Madrid County R1 School District app can be downloaded from the Apple app or Google play store for up-to-date information.

Dates to remember

  • Aug. 8 & 9 - 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. - Seniors register for parking spots
  • Aug. 10 & 11 - 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Juniors register for parking spots
  • Aug. 16 - 4-7 p.m. Central High School Open House
  • Aug. 17 - 4-7 p.m. Middle School Open House
  • Aug. 18 - 3-6 p.m. Open House at Lilbourn, Matthews and New Madrid Elementary Schools
  • Aug. 22 - First day of class